Wednesday, July 30, 2008

sap happy

though my last few weeks have been jam-packed with summer fun, 
i'm trying to work it out so that i can make it to sackville's Sappyfest in nouveau brunswick...

My ride there would be from my dear friend jk

while my ride back would be from ba johnston 

who promises to get me home the same day we leave...

it just might end up being the most ______ trip of the summer.

but considering i can't get a hold of either of them, it seems that i'm going to end up sappy-less this season. in turn, making me even more sappy.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

scarred and bruised

in these past few months, i've been pretty rough on my body.

in april i shaved some skin off my back in my attempt to body surf on my way home from florida.
somewhere near jacksonville...

in may i picked some glass out of my knee when i fell hard at a brutal knights show

in june while i was in israel i had to wear a makeshift eye patch to ease the strain on my left blood filled eye.  our soldier/medic thought blood vessels were popped by the 
intensity of the sun... but i'm pretty sure that it was from sneezing.

later in june i took a huge spill while riding my bike in toronto.  got caught in the fucking streetcar tracks, just like everybody else. it was shitty. my left knee hates me.

and just three nights ago i fell, yet again, in a monotonix mosh pit. 
somehow the drum kit ended up on top of me, which is why i currently have track marks on my knockers...

next week, i'm going to wonderland and white water rafting. so should be interesting to see what my next scar will be from.