Thursday, January 29, 2009

Great Job!

Last night I ventured to Buffalo, NY with 4 of my boy-friends to see Tim and Eric Awesome Show at Town Ballroom.
Greg drove his girlfriend Jenny's van over the border and when we were stopped at customs, he was grilled as to why she didn't come with.

It's crazy how much easier it is to sale across the border when it's a car full of girls rather than boys.  The customs officer laid into us for about 10 minutes.  For some reason he wanted to know how we all know each other, and we quickly learned that our "we're friends" answer was not good enough.  Greg and Mike said that they "work together" as DJs at a restaurant.  The customs guy was so skeptical because he "doesn't eat at restaurants with DJs."  Then he asked us if we had any dope or narcotics, but then realized we wouldn't admit to it if we did.  He finally let us go.

(Last year when we drove to the Buffalo airport to fly to Austin, we had someone in our car who is blacklisted from the States, but we got through customs in under two minutes.  It was a breeze.)

The drive last night was pretty shit because of the snowstorm, it took about 2 hours, when it normally only takes 1.    We even got lost for a bit but finally realized it would be quicker to park and walk then to keep driving down one way streets.  Much to mine and Terris' dismay, we didn't have time to get Buffalo wings from Anchor Bar.
But we finally got to Town Ballroom. 
Beautiful venue. 
I'd go back there to see a concert in a heartbeat.

Beers were $4, pizza was $2.  I was happy.
The show was nothing short of RIDICULOUS and AWESOME. obviously.
I was especially impressed with DJ Douggpound who opened the show.
After the show we went straight back to Hamilton. 
Went to 42 Liberty to get stoned and talk about what we just saw.
The conversation kept coming back to the fact that we didn't get wings. So, at 2am, we got desperate and called pizza pizza and ordered 40 wings between 4 of us.
Even though pizza pizza's wings are sick and terrible in comparison to true buffalo wings, they turned out to be outright delicious.

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