Wednesday, March 4, 2009

movin' IN

I saw Movin' Out last night at Hamilton Place with my grandmother and father.  I pretty much forced them to come with me, seeing as no one else would, because i love musicals and i LOVE billy joel.  i also adore the movie center stage, and i thought twyla tharp choreographed most of the dances in that film, which could be a total lie.  either way, i was excited to see the choreography in the show.

2 out of 3 ain't bad, considering movin' out is NOT a musical.
It's barely even a play.

It's pretty much just a house band that's perched ab
ove the stage on scaffolding playing billy joel songs while 12 or so dancers are moving to the music.

i was pretty pissed at first because i thought it was a huge ripoff. but then i started to appreciate the insanely creative choreography. wicked cool. unfortunately the dancers didn't fully do it justice which is a shame because it was obvious how talented twyla tharp actually is.

the only shitty thing that twyla did was string billy's songs together in order to create a story line (ie. mamma mia!), but unfortunately, it was not only a weak plot but it also didn't really make that much sense.

HOWEVER, the character named emily (i think) was a really great dancer.  so great, in fact, that her mother, who was sitting directly in front of us, turned around let us know how great she was every two minutes.  she was extremely distracting and annoying.
the showtime momma was super duper crazy... she had a teddy bear with her, presumably to give to her daughter after her show, but during the performance, she was playing with the teddy bear and making it dance on her neighbour's shoulder.

definitely the best part of my night.

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