Wednesday, March 25, 2009

sxsw photo literacy pt. i


we started off our week by going back to our roots and joining the lovely folks at the canadian blast bbq. the bill included bands i've seen more times than i can count on one hand but still a great show nonetheless...
two hours traffic

our homeboys, the arkells.

mother mother, sans crazy chick.

beast. from montreal. (didn't pay too much attention to them, as we were stealing pop from the bbq next to us, through a fence)

the lovely edmontonians,
shout out out out out

after our first long day in the gorgeous and ferociously hot sun, we went home to nap and recharge for the red bull party at the moon tower.
there, we got to see my cousin's band

i love you but i've chosen darkness

before the next band, we started a crazy dance party.
music courtesy of
dj diabetic

aka sheppard ferry, the artist behind the famous obama hope illustration:

next up was the always crazy, always entertaining

which is where we were moshing in the company of mr. joseph gordon levitt, of "3rd rock from the sun" fame. and "10 things i hate about you" fame. soon to be "500 days of summer" fame.

we stumbled home around 5am but couldn't fall asleep until around 7 because of all the red bull that was flowing through our veins.
that shit works!!
(free vodka redbulls=dangerous)

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